mánudagur, mars 22, 2010

Song of the 156. Week is Sindri Eldon's "The Ugly Truth"

156. Song of the Week is "The Ugly Truth" of Sindri Eldon Þórsson, the son of Björk & guitarist/poet Thor (Þór) Eldon. He was born on 8. June 1986, also the date that Smekkleysa saw the daylight.
Sindri is recording some solo stuff, but he's also a member of the band Dynamo Fog. Previous he played in the bands Desidia & Dáðadrengir (rap/rock band who won the Músíktilraunir competition in 2003).


Sindri Eldon @ MySpace

1 ummæli:

  1. Les Français qui passent par ici seront peut-être contents de savoir que Olof Arnalds, membre de Mum, sera en concert, en solo cette fois, à Paris, le dimanche 28. Infos sur : http://blog.pressebook.fr/voixdesgeysers/
