156. Song of the Week is "The Ugly Truth" of Sindri Eldon Þórsson, the son of Björk & guitarist/poet Thor (Þór) Eldon. He was born on 8. June 1986, also the date that Smekkleysa saw the daylight.
Sindri is recording some solo stuff, but he's also a member of the band Dynamo Fog. Previous he played in the bands Desidia & Dáðadrengir (rap/rock band who won the Músíktilraunir competition in 2003).
Sindri Eldon @ MySpace
Les Français qui passent par ici seront peut-être contents de savoir que Olof Arnalds, membre de Mum, sera en concert, en solo cette fois, à Paris, le dimanche 28. Infos sur : http://blog.pressebook.fr/voixdesgeysers/