Yesterday I went to downtown Brussels to dig for some Icelandic music bargains @ Arlequin shop, very close to Manneken Pis statue.
I found the debut album of the band Isidor "Betty takes a ride" (ISICD01, July 2004)

Band members:
Steingrímur Þórarinsson (bass)
Jón Þór Olafsson (guitar)
Arnar Ingi Viðarsson (drums)
Orri Tómasson (guitar)
The band made a demo for friends around Christmas 2002.
Good indie music with metal riffs.
"Iceland´s next teen-indie-sensation!" (Gylfi Blöndal of kimono)
Other items I've found:
Emiliana Torrini: "To be free" CD Single (272TP7CD, One Little Indian, 1999)
Emiliana Torrini: "Unemployed in Summertime" CD Promo Single (275TP7CDP, One Little Indian, 2000)
Trabant: "Emotional" Album Sampler (4 tracks: "Maria", "Nasty Boy", "The One", "Loving me") - with Bonus Video Content (Trabant Intro + "Nasty Boy" @ NASA"
"Maria" Official Video
Apparat Organ Quartet: "Stereo Rock & Roll" Promo Single (on Belgian Skelt Label, St. Jacobsmarkt, 2000 Antwerp)
Quarashi: "Jinx" (505234 2, Time Bomb/Columbia, 2001)
"Stick 'em up" (first song of this album) Live
Melody Maker's "21st Century Noise /12 New Bands for The New Millennium" - A MM Compilation (2000) featuring 2 Icelandic bands:
- Bellatrix: "Dare Devil"
- Sigur Rós: "Svefn-g-englar"
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