R.I.P. Karamba
Karamba bar/venue @ Laugavegur 22 has closed its doors. What a pitty!
Æla Live @ Karamba @ Airwaves '09

The band is also scheduled to play @ Party Expo! (929 Broadway Brooklyn NY 11206) on 9. August.
Hellvar @ MySpace

The album is also going to be pressed on vinyl for the vinyl lovers.
Snorri Helgason
Agent Fresco is recording their first full length album (concept album) "A long time listening" with 15 songs @ Orgelsmiðjan Studio. Album to be released on Record Records Label in October 2010.
Agent Fresco @ MySpace
Sing for me Sandra will release their debut album soon in collaboration with the Record Records Label. The album was recorded @ Orgelsmiðjan Studio.
Sing for me Sandra @ MySpace
The band Ókind is striking again.
In 2002 the band reached the 2nd place in the annual Músíktilraunir competition. In 2003 they independently recorded & released the LP "Heimsendi 18". In their own built studio, they recorded a cover of Ingibjörg Thorbergs' Christmas song "Jólakötturinn" (also covered by Björk some years ago) for the Christmas compilation "Stúfur" (2004).
Ókind @ MySpace

New album preview
We Made God | MySpace Music Videos
We Made God @ MySpace

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