Stuðmenn @ Royal Albert Hall, London
24. March 2005
Stuðmenn were founded in school, @ "Menntaskólinn Hamrahlid" in Reykjavik. Their debut album "Sumar á Syrlandi" in 1975 became an instant success on the market and critics cheered the band frenetically as the milestone of Icelandic pop music. Their music combined high-flyingly merry and higgledy-piggledy varied songs, all with a twist, reflecting Icelandic characteristics and changing society by collected tunes and true icelandic lyrics. Now many years later they are still going strong.
"Mannstu ekki eftir mér?"
This song is called "Don't you remember me?" which I guess is about people that used to have a crush on each other and now meet many years later.
"Brátt kemur ekki betri tíð"
"Ofboðslega frægur" (Extremely famous)
"Semdu nú lag"
"Æ þú mannst ekki neitt!" (You don't remember anything)
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