As the first Danish label Crunchy Frog has a showcase at the acclaimed and super cool (in all definitions of the word) Reykjavik festival ICELAND AIRWAVES.
The Festival has been going on for several years and pride itself with offering the very best of the dynamic Icelandic music scene + a few handfuls of the up and coming stars of the international scene. The festival takes place in venues, concert halls and bars around Reykjavik - all within walking distance of each other. So the audience get to experience the bands up close and can go back and forth between the various venues. A truely cosy, intimate and hectic 4 days of great music and heavy drinking.
Every year the Airwaves-staff make special shows as well. For instance at the famous Blue Lagoon and other outdoor sites in the fantastic Icelandic nature.
A couple of images from previous years' Airwaves razzmatazz.
In 2005 the main attraction will - of course - be the Crunchy Frog show on thursday Oct. 20th at NASA. Nasa is located centrally in the middle of Reykjavik and is one of the main stages of the festival. Here you can witness the magic splendor of Junior Senior, PowerSolo and epo-555 in LIVE action. 3 great live bands in their 3 different ways.
epo-555 will take the stage approximately at 10.30 pm as the first of the crisp acts (stage times are tentative at this point). As usual we can expect an intense, beautiful and noisy experience. After that it's time for PowerSolo at 11.20 pm. The two railthin brothers and the Chickenman will just have finished their tour of the UK, Germany and France, and should be ready to rawk the Reykjavik rock-a-billys and rock-a-bellas. Finally Junior Senior will finish the show at about a quarter past midnite with their groovy, funky - let's just admit it - kick ass new live band. It will surely be a night to remember!
HELP US CRUNCHIFY ICELAND - join the Crisp Caravan!
As some of you may know PowerSolo, epo-555 and Iceland are no strangers. Actually there is a love affair going on between the bands and the Northatlntic Island. Both band have played there twice together. Both times have been on layovers on trips to the US, and both are well documentede at this very site. Check out the reports in the News-section - or just click on these linx:
The diarrhea diaries - a Northatlantic odyssé
Transatlantic Fantastic
...and this time they take NO prisoners. With help from their friends in Junior Senior no Icelander will be left unCrunched. But why don't you join us? As a special favour to the Danish Crisp Crew, Icelandair has made a very special offer available. The deal is simple: from 3455 DKR you get a trip to Reykjavik (from Copenhagen airport), 3 days stay at a hotel near the center of the city and a full pass to the whole Festival. It's possible to book more days in Iceland if you'd like to go sightseeing (the Festival runs form wednesday, but the offer is from thursday to sunday). In any case: the supply of tickets is limited, so you better get your virtual ass over to their website and book some tickets! You can also see a small inspirational video there - just click the "Klik og Oplev"-button.
It will be great. The Crunchy HQ Crew, the Danish based bands and everybody else we can persude to come along will go - together - on the afternoon plane to Reykjavik on thursday the 22nd. We'll arrive. Do soundcheck. Have some dinner and then have a BALL together! The following days there will be a lot of time to check the other bands and the many cool bars and shops etc. See the line up for the festival following this link. We'll even make a small homemade guide maå to the spots we ourselves like the best in the city, some useful phrases such as "bjór" and "skál" and stuff like that.
OK, we are going to give you a break here. We will draw 1 lucky winner (have to be over 20 years old) to win 2 free tickets (festival, plane and 3 nights in a double hotel room) for the Crunchy/Iceland-experience. Remember that the trip starts and ends in Kastrup Airport, so you'll have to travel on your own expense whether you are from Copenhagen or Timbuktu!
Here is what you have to do: send us an email at airwaves@crunchy.dk with the correct answer to this question: How many musical notes (partially and fully visible) can you find in the CD-artwork for the new Junior Senior album "Hey Hey My My Yo Yo"? We are talking about the cover, the back, the case, the booklet, the cd-print - everything combined. Send your number to us and we will draw a winner among the correct submissions one week before the show - thursday October 13th. The winner will be publicised at our homepage and be notified directly. Good luck, kids!
LOOKAHERE! Crunchy guide to Reykjavik
As a special service we have just done a small intro-guide to Reykjavik. We'll distribute this at the gate of the midday flight on thurday 20th in Kastrup, but you can also right click here and download it (4 mb). It is set up as 8 pages to be printed on both sides, so print page 1,3,5 and 7 out first and then print page 2,4,6 and 8 on the back of them - an voilá: a nifty little book of Crunch! Enjoy!
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