5 years have passed since their formation in 2001 and the crazy quintet in white sperm-suits have lost none of the edge - have, in fact, never been better.
Regrettably, they haven't been playing too often the last months, due to members moving back and forth abroad, which means that each second this band plays these days is all the more precious.
We are on the cusp of FINALLY seeing their full- length, which has the title "Ghost of the Bollocks to Come". This is the first proper release since 2004's EP "World Peace In Chile: What Can be Changed, Improved & Fixed" (english translation).
Four of the new album's 9 songs have appeared in different versions in the past - Some on 2005's demo, "The 'Skrew the Elves, Fokk the System [sic]' Session" (recorded live on Ras 2, The National Radio, channel 2) others as constantly evolving live versions during the last 1-2 years.
The band has become increasingly experimental lately, hammering out proggy suites with all the noisy guitars and chaotic keyboards firmly in place. Unlike most of today's hip-and-cool music, consisting mostly of copies of copies of copies of early 80's "disco punk", Skátar are not too easily described and really have to be seen to be believed. Wherever they play - be it in Iceland, the UK, the States or elsewhere - they never cease to amaze and stand out like a sore thumb...in a good way, of course!
Comment 2 Feb. 2006:
We just added new songs from our album that just came in from mastering last Wednesday. We're really estatic about how it sounds and we hope you like it as well.
We also put the final touch on the artwork which looks so beautiful and we mean BEAUTIFUL. The artwork was designed by our dear friends Alda Rose and Kristján Freyr (drummer of Sofandi and Campfire Backtracks). Alda did all the drawings and Kristján did the layout. We'll upload the artwork soon on the profile. We promise that you'll love it.
We named the album "Ghost of the Bollocks to Come" and it has nine songs on it. It's almost fifty minutes long. It's due to come out early March.
Bjarni Thorisson and Ingi Thor Ingibergsson recorded it. Ingi also did the mixing. They both did a spectacular job.
John Golden mastered the album. He's done some spectacular mastering jobs for artists like Melvins, Comets On Fire, Sonic Youth, Minutemen + many SST bands, Xiu Xiu, Primus, Adult., Chris Isaak, Ted Leo & Pharmacists, Low and so many more... The Golden family is good people.
We've heard rumours about Skátar breaking up and members quitting. Well that's not quite the issue. We've been laying low for quite some time now. There have been changes in our personal lives and lots of moving between rehearsal spaces. We had five different spaces last year and we're just about to move into our sixth space which is thankfully permanent. We've actually been building it with some of our favourite Icelandic bands and friends - Kimono, Bacon, Æla, Jan Mayen, Jeff Who? and Ske.
You can listen to 3 songs on MySpace:
1. Taco N'Surf a prayer
2. Thar sem heimskan
3. Skalholt
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