The organizers of Náttúra, a nature awareness outdoor concert held in Laugardalur park in Reykjavík last Saturday, have been named special friends of the United Nations, including Björk, the members of Sigur Rós and Einar Örn Benediktsson of Ghostigital.
Árni Snaevarr, the UN information officer in Iceland, said although their initiative is localized, their message on environmental protection is relevant to the entire planet, Morgunbladid reports.
The United Nations Regional Information Center (UNRIC) for Western Europe will participate in the creation of the group’s website nattura.info, which was launched on Saturday, to raise further awareness of environmental protection efforts in Iceland.
According to www.nattura.info, around 30,000 people, or ten percent of the Icelandic population, attended the nature awareness concert in Laugardalur park on Saturday.
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