Bubbi Morthens, the King of Icelandic Music, is No. 1 with 10 songs in the box: Five solo songs, 2 with Egó and one with Das Kapital, GCD & Utangarðsmenn.
Björgvin (Bo) Halldórsson has 6 songs in Top 100.
Haukur Morthens (5 songs), Vilhjálmur Vilhjálmsson (4 songs), Megas (3 songs), Pálmi Gunnarsson (3 songs).
Sálin hans Jóns míns is the band with most songs (5).
Ný dönsk and Mannakorn both with 4 songs. Hljómar, Todmobile and Stuðmenn all with 3 songs. Trúbrot, Jet Black Joe, Brunaliðið and Dátar 2 songs.
Oldest song is „Litla flugan"of Sigfús Halldórsson from 1952. Youngest song is by Páll Óskar, „Allt fyrir ástina".
Neither songs by Sigur Rós nor solo songs by Björk in the list.
Source: Visir
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