Band members
Singer - Kolli
Bass - Addi
Guitar/Singer - Þórir Georg Jónsson
Drums - Sindri
First release was the EP "I: The End of Every Minute" (2006, own label)
Their Second EP was "II: …tell us how it ended, tell us how we died" (2006, own label)
Debut Album "III: Views of Distant Towns" (2006, 12 Tonar label -http://www.12tonar.is/)
Þórir Georg Jónsson is also in the band My Summer As A Salvation Soldier.
Kerrang! Magazine compared the band with Shellac, Quicksand & Fireside. Visions compares with Fugazi &The Jesus Lizard.
Photograph by Nadine Ballantyne - More @ Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/nadineballantyne/665350634
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