Seabear UK Tour September
08.09.2008 brighton (uk) - the hope
09.09.2008 manchester (uk) - dulcimer
10.09.2008 glasgow (uk) - nice n sleazy
11.09.2008 leeds (uk) - brudenell social club
12.09.2008 london (uk) - the luminaire
13.09.2008 dorset (uk) - end of the road festival
14.09.2008 cardiff (uk) - clwb lfor bach
Seabear & Borko European Tour
15.09.2008 paris (france) - maroquinierie
17.09.2008 barcelona (spain) - la [2] de apolo
20.09.2008 carpi (italy) - festival della filosofia
22.09.2008 zurich (switzerland) - el lokal
23.09.2008 duedingen (switzerland) - bad bonn
24.09.2008 nuremberg (germany) - muz
25.09.2008 hamburg (germany) - reeperbahnfestival
26.09.2008 antwerpen (belgium) - trix
28.09.2008 cologne (germany) - gebaeude 9
29.09.2008 heidelberg (germany) - karlstorbahnhof
02.10.2008 linkoeping (sweden) - herrgårn
03.10.2008 malmo (sweden) - debaser
04.10.2008 muenster (germany) - gleis 22
05.10.2008 schorndorf (germany) - manufaktur
06.10.2008 munich (germany) - orangehouse
07.10.2008 vienna (austria) - chelsea
09.10.2008 berlin (germany) - admiralspalast (studio)
10.10.2008 dresden (germany) - beatpol
Seabear @ &
Photograph of Seabear @ Finlandia Rafskinna Party @ Iceland Airwaves 2007 by Wim Van Hooste
2 ummæli:
sounds really cool and I live close to the Brudenall club in Leeds might just make my way over
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