föstudagur, september 11, 2009

Interview with Lady & Bird in Adequacy (August 2009) - Concert @ Salle Pleyel, Paris 27. October 2009

Read the interview with the duo behind Lady & Bird, Barði Jóhannsson (of Bang Gang fame) and Keren Ann here.
New Album is coming soon: "La ballade of Lady & Bird: a project by Keren Ann Zeidel & Barði Jóhannsson".
Also they're playing @ Salle Pleyel, a nice concert hall in Paris, together with the Orchestre Lamoureux and a choir of 12 Icelandic girls.
Place 2B:
Salle Pleyel
252, rue du faubourg Saint-Honoré

75008 Paris, France

Lady & Bird @ MySpace

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