Best gigs off-venue:
Vicky goes acoustic @ Hemmi & Valdi
Jan Mayen @ Rock Bar Dillon
Dýrðin @ Café Amsterdam
Hraun @ Nordic House
Pascal Pinon @ Nordic House
Æla @ Karamba
Oh Land @ Nordic House
Best gigs on-venue:
Captain Fufanu @ NASA
Ghostigital @ Batteríið
Bárujárn @ Sódóma Reykjavík
Jeff Who? @ NASA
Stereo Hypnosis @ Batteríið
Sudden Weather Change @ NASA
Úlpa @ Grand Rokk
GusGus @ NASA
Soundspell @ Batteríið
Best Teenage artists:
Captain Fufanu @ NASA
Sykur @ B-5
Pascal Pinon @ Nordic House
Best stand-up performance: Toggi @ Nordic House
Best original: Toggi performing his (& Paul Oscar) own "Þú komst við hjartað í mér"
Worst original: The Tiny, running down the hill
Worst stand-up performance: The Tiny @ Batteríið ("Do you people get married in Iceland?")
Too much talking by:
Hafdis Huld @ Nordic House
Kimono @ NASA
Jónas Sigurðsson & Malbidid Svifur @ NASA
The secret performance I missed: the truck of Dr. Spock - it stayed secret for me.
The Blue Lagoon Hang-over Party, never went to the party & probably never will. Only for tourists, 'cause real Icelanders don't like the Blue Lagoon!
Worst foreign artists: Juvelen @ Grand Rokk - The Tiny (both from Sweden)
Best soundcheck: the noisy pop sound of The Megaphonic Thrift (Norway) @ Batteríið
Best DJ: DJ Einar Sonic (of Singapore Sling & 12Tonar fame) @ Bakkus
Best places to eat the menu: Karamba/Santa Maria & Grillhusið @ Tryggvagata
Worst place to drink: Hemmi & Valdi, espec. when Canada Dry is standing behind the desk. Probably got an earbuzz & snowblindness after going to Hjaltalín the night before, when I showed him my Friends of Airwaves armband, but didn't get my discount like 2 times the 2 previous days before. If you treat longtime Friends of Iceland that way, I would hope it becomes a recordstore again soon @ Laugavegur... mon ami.
Best gigs pré-Airwaves:
Soundspell @ Oktoberfest
Ensimi @ Oktoberfest
Feldberg @ Grapevine Grand Rock @ Grand Rokk
Jeff Who? @ Grapevine Grand Rock @ Grand Rokk
Morðingjarnir @ Grapevine Grand Rock @ Grand Rokk (die hard punks - even sick on stage)
Artists not performing around (on/off schedule) Airwaves but MOST WANTED:
Apparat Organ Quartet
Jónsi & Alex/Parachutes
Lady & Bird (new Album)/Bang Gang/Barði solo
Sin Fang Bous
Singapore Sling
Worm is Green (new Album)
Photograh by my nephew Michaël Vlaeminck
6 ummæli:
kun je een filmpje van Stereo Hypnosis posten? (Jup, ik heb je zien staan met je promo-t-shirt :p)
mijn top3 van Airwaves:
1. FM Belfast
2. Retro Stefson
3. Stereo hypnosis
Hallo Marc,
De foto's staan nu op mijn computer, morgen eerste selectie online.
Video is zowat 30 GB. Ik moet eerst nog externe harde schijf installeren. Maar ik zal het zeker doen. Maar ik heb het zeer druk privé en op het werk, zo het een tijdje duren.
Ik vind FM Belfast en Retro Stefson ook fantastisch, maar heb ze de afgelopen jaren al veel zijn spelen.
Stereo Hypnosis zou ik nog spelen in de Naked Ape shop, maar toen waren ze "ziek" (dronken?). Ze deden mij o.a. denken aan de IJslandse groep Reptilicus.
Een van de beste "echte nieuwe" (lees nooit zien spelen) bands. Ze hebben al 2 albums gereleased blijkbaar...
Zullen nog terugkomen op mijn blog, maar nu eerst bekomen van 12 crazy nachten R'vik. Ik was al een weekend voor Airwaves downtown aan het filmen hoor ...
Dus veel materiaal, en het geluid is vaak (zeer) goed.
Blijf mijn blog maar volgen ;-)
Kaeru kvedju fra Belgiu,
Lookin' good, Wim! eMail me and I'll send you the pictures from 12 Tonar.
Hi Prof. Batty,
Looking forward to see the UNUN (pleasure/joy) photographs @ 12 Tonar: Heida, Johannes & me.
The picture with me in that t-shirt voor Grapevine Magazine is promising.
We're going to do a copy of the cover of Hellvar's Album "Bat out of Hellvar", with me instead of Heida, and in an Unun T-shirt...
We even were making a sort of making of the pictures, a Belgian lady was photographing Julia Staples (the photographer & girlfriend of Haukur of Reykjavik!) and me @ The Volcano Show, one of the locations by the way!
Loved your Villi/volcano show coverage, but his father would have been 110 years, not 100 years. maybe you change it. Villi & Ellen (from Belgium) were looking forward to see you post about Laxness & Villi's daddy.
I think I have a photograph at home with the chairs, Laxness, Eldjarn & Villi's father. But don't know where. I've got so much, and it is not in my music section of my collection ...
If I found it, I'll scan it for you and send it to you of course!
Hope you enjoy your t-shirt of I love Icelandic music, hope to see you next Airwaves again for more talking in Iceland about Iceland.
You have to get into the story of the "King of Iceland", Jörgen Jörgenson, a Danish adventurer who came to Iceland but is in a pauper's grave @ Tasmania (Van Diemensland).
That's why Villi "Knudsen", has a Danish name, his ancestors came in the slipstream of Jörgen, who declared Iceland independent for the first time of Denmark back in 1819.
Good night,
I go to sleep, but first I'll send you an e-mail.
liked Brighter by Ensimi, the video does not make sense, but it does not need to
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