This time on my Vimeo account. As far as I know, I posted the most Airwaves '09 Videos on YouTube. Maybe not the best quality, if you have to believe French B&W criticaster Loranger. More than 400 press people were hanging around downtown 101, but most of them not so active as me (in shooting, listening, watching & running around even with a sprained ankle!).
Hudson Wayne @ 12Tónar Record Store/label, Reykjavik @ Iceland Airwaves '09, October 2009 from wimvanhooste on Vimeo.
Hudson Wayne's Website

For Leo Verbeke, who's desperately seeking "Slightly Out Of Hank"
(mineur aggressif, 2002 / Recorded by Alex MacNeil of Kimono fame. Mixed by Hudson Wayne. Not mastered at all. 5.25" floppy disk packaging)
(mineur aggressif, 2002 / Recorded by Alex MacNeil of Kimono fame. Mixed by Hudson Wayne. Not mastered at all. 5.25" floppy disk packaging)
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