Tonight 8. November @ 20:10, the Belgians (Flemish part) can watch a well-made documentary about the financial crisis in Iceland. CANVAS Program "Panorama" (VRT State TV) is broadcasting Episode # 5 (2009) of the Dutch VPRO TV Program "Tegenlicht". It was earlier broadcasted on the Dutch TV on 19. October 2009.
Musician Dr. Gunni drove the journalists around town in his jeep.
Here's a teaser:
If you can't get the Belgian TV (you're lucky ;-)), or if you don't like them because almost every time Belgian journalists made sloppy items about the island (being married to an Icelandic wife, doesn't make you an Iceland expert btw), you can watch the whole program already here on VPRO's website >> Click in the Right Upper Corner.
Don't be afraid, the Icelanders speak English, and there are subtitles in Dutch.
Dr. Gunni talks about Black Range Rovers in flames, Björgólfur Guðmundsson (the first Icelander in Forbes List aka the Icelandic Scrooge McDuck), the year Zero (6. October 2008).
Guð blessi Ísland
God bless Iceland
The fantastic VRPO brought me the love for Iceland and Icelandic music more than 20 years ago, by playing Icelandic music, visiting The Sugarcubes & the town of Reykjavik in the late 80s.Very odd, last year Dr. Gunni interviewed me for Fréttablaðið. This year he was interviewed by the Dutch television. Among the crew was the Belgian lady Maren Merckx, she lived in the same small town as me, Kemzeke (Stekene), but she moved to Amsterdam. Maren is the daughter of a colleague of my father.
Well done Maren & the rest of the crew.
"Ice Ice Iceland"
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And if all that fails, you can download it from my Dropbox at
highly recommended!
and while you're at it, check the EBERG poster on the wall at 24 minutes :D
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