Dankuwel Belgian Icelandic Music Lovers
This afternoon I had a cozy & sweet meeting with Veerle & Leo, both Icelandic music lovers, @ a Chocolat Bar downtown 2000 Antwerp. We exchanged some albums & goodies: Veerle gave me some Flemish & Norwegian (Real Ones) music & Spilverk þjóðanna CD "Götuskór" (STC 011).
Leo came with some Mugison material, Trabant ("Moment of Truth", TMT Entertainment, 2001, TMT08CD), Ske ("Life, Death, Happiness & Stuff", Smekkleysa, SMBT02) & The Funerals (TMT Entertainment, 2002, TMT10CD).
We went to the bankrupt record store Bilbo to buy even more albums (50% discount @ the moment).
You gonna have a hard time to find some Icelandic albums after our visit (still there: latest of Bang Gang, first of Hafdis Huld, ...)
Bought some Icelandic stuff @ Bilbo:
-Emiliana Torrini "Rarities" (One Little Indian Ltd, 2009, TPLP1015CD)
-Evil Madness "Demoni Paradiso" (12Tónar, 2008, 12T047)
-Ben Frost " Theory of Machines" (Bedroom Community, 2006)
-Sigur Rós book/CD/DVD "með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust" Deluxe Edition (nr. 009734//film nr. FN83 5862 0752 (feet & legs)
Leo & Veerle thank you for the music, enjoy Jan Mayen & Æla:
"We Just Want to Get Everybody High", a song of the album "So much better than your normal life" (Smekkleysa Label, recorded by Eberg & the band)
All Belgians (and others) can join this Facebook Group Belgian Icelandic Music Lovers
Leo came with some Mugison material, Trabant ("Moment of Truth", TMT Entertainment, 2001, TMT08CD), Ske ("Life, Death, Happiness & Stuff", Smekkleysa, SMBT02) & The Funerals (TMT Entertainment, 2002, TMT10CD).
We went to the bankrupt record store Bilbo to buy even more albums (50% discount @ the moment).
You gonna have a hard time to find some Icelandic albums after our visit (still there: latest of Bang Gang, first of Hafdis Huld, ...)
Bought some Icelandic stuff @ Bilbo:
-Emiliana Torrini "Rarities" (One Little Indian Ltd, 2009, TPLP1015CD)
-Evil Madness "Demoni Paradiso" (12Tónar, 2008, 12T047)
-Ben Frost " Theory of Machines" (Bedroom Community, 2006)
-Sigur Rós book/CD/DVD "með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust" Deluxe Edition (nr. 009734//film nr. FN83 5862 0752 (feet & legs)
Leo & Veerle thank you for the music, enjoy Jan Mayen & Æla:
"We Just Want to Get Everybody High", a song of the album "So much better than your normal life" (Smekkleysa Label, recorded by Eberg & the band)
All Belgians (and others) can join this Facebook Group Belgian Icelandic Music Lovers
if you (can) pronounce Kaupþing, Björk, Sigur Rós with an Icelandic tongue (tongue twister/sjibbolet à la "Schild en Vriend/Scilt ende Vrient"),
even Englishman John Cleese can do it
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