# 9
"Gling-Gló" (1990)
The album by Björk Guðmundsdóttir & Tríó Guðmundar Ingólfssonar was released on 21. November 1990 on Smekkleysa Label."Gling-Gló" is an Icelandic onomatopoeia and means "Ding Dong," the sound of the clanging of a bell.
The Guðmundur Ingólfsson Trio was asked by the Icelandic state radio to do a live set of popular Icelandic & jazz standards. The trio liked the idea, but maybe it was better if they had a singer. Gudmunður Steingrímsson remembered that Björk had appeared on a local jazz radio program & made an impression on him, aka Papa Jazz. And even more, @ the age of 16, Björk was hanging around the recording sessions of Gudmunður in the countryside @ Glora farm. So Björk was asked to participate in the project for the radio. She made the setlist & they started rehearsing.
Album was recorded in a short period, 1-3. September 1990 @ Stúdio Sýrland.
Except 2 songs, “Ruby Baby” & “I Can't Help Loving that Man”, which were recorded on 23. August 1990 @ Ríkisútvarpið (RUV/National Icelandic Broadcasting Service).
These 2 recordings were made for the radio program Djasskaffi hosted by Ólafur Þórðarsson, by technician Georg Magnússon.
The album producer was Tómas Magnús Tómasson, the bassist of the band Stuðmenn, who also did mixed it.
Cover design was by Óskar Jónasson (filmmaker/boyfriend of Björk @ that time).

"There should not be any need to introduce Guðmundur Ingólfsson's Trio, as loved as it is ...[on about the trio and the jazz for the first page] ...[on to the second page]... when the forces of nature Björk Guðmundsdóttir [doesn't make sense in Icelandic either] enwraps it self, the partners [the trio] fly high and deep into the core of the jazz-pop of the fifties to the extend that they escape time and space. Listeners will get an unique opportunity on this CD to experience the mysterious and random meeting of umbrellas of the past and sowing-machines of the present, on the keyboard. Katie rocks in Bjork's disguise. Björk is Bella telephone-operator and Adda Ornolfs. Björk is Ingibjorg, Sigrun and Soffia. Björk is. The lyrics span old and classic realms of passion. these are the final scenes of Electra and Oedipus. It is man's wish to kneed together, from time and space, their own special dream-dough. Here is where the dream comes true. Enjoy."
(Source: Svanborg Sigmarsdóttir on BEP, January 2000)
Guðmundur Ingólfsson died on 12. August 1991.
Gling-Gló contains Icelandic themes, and almost all the songs are sung in Icelandic.
Tracks: LP has 14 songs - CD contains 16 songs (14 + 2 songs live @ RUV)
Side 1
1. Gling Gló
2. Luktar-Gvendur
3. Kata rokkar
4. Pabbi minn
5. Brestir og brak
6. Ástartöfrar
7. Bella símamær
Side 2
8. Litli tónlistarmaðurinn
9. Það sést ekki sætari mey
10. Bílavísur
11. Tondeleyo
12. Ég veit ei hvað skal segja
13. Í dansi með þér
14. Börnin við tjörnina
On CD:
15. Ruby Baby
16. Ég get ekki hjálpað elska þessi maður
1. Composition: Alfreð Clausen. Lyrics: Kristín Engilbertsdóttir.
2. Composition: Nat Simon. Lyrics: Eiríkur K. Eiríksson.
3. Composition and lyrics: Theodór Einarsson.
4. Composition: Paul Burkhard. Lyrics: Þorsteinn Sveinsson.
5. Composition: Jón Múli Árnason. Lyrics: Jónas Árnason.
6. Composition and lyrics: Valdimar Auðunsson.
7. Composition: Mark Fontenoy. Lyrics: Loftur Guðmundsson.
8. Composition and lyrics: 12 September.
9. Composition: Richard Rodgers and Hammerstein Mistaken attribution on the album itself. In reality: Irving Berlin. Lyrics: Loftur Guðmundsson.
10. Composition: Jack Holmes. Lyrics: Jón Sigurðsson.
11. Composition: Sigfús Halldórsson. Lyrics: Tómas Guðmundsson.
12. Composition: Larry Coleman, Joe Darion, and Norman Gimbel. Lyrics: Loftur Guðmundsson.
13. Composition: Pablo Beltran Ruiz. Lyrics: Þorsteinn Sveinsson.
14. Composition and lyrics: Jenni Jónsson.
15. Composition and lyrics: Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller.
16. Composition and lyrics: Oscar Hammerstein II and Jerome Kern.
Sources: Wikipedia & Bjorkish
More about the songs on Gling-Gló
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