Icelandic Radio Presenter Invades the BBC
Icelandic radio presenter Ólafur Páll Gunnarsson, aka Óli Palli, who is known for his music programs Poppland & Rokkland on national broadcasting service RÚV’s Rás 2, will moderate programs on Icelandic music on a Liverpool radio station operated by the BBC in November.
“I am supposed to serve as an Icelandic ambassador”, Gunnarsson told Fréttabladid.
The project is part of a culture festival in relation to Liverpool being the European Capital of Culture in 2008.
Icelandic artists and musicians will be a prominent feature in Liverpool this fall. Three visual artists will open exhibitions there, the Langholtskirkja Church Choir will perform and shortly before Christmas, an Icelandic/Faroese Christmas concert will be held.
Poppland @ www.ruv.is/poppland
Rokkland @ www.ruv.is/rokkland
Source: Iceland Review
Source of O.P.G. Photograph www.prime.is/mambo/content/view/201/51
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