An album by FC/Kahuna "Machine Says Yes" (City Rockers, Cityrock2CD)(2002). On track #3 ("Machine Says Yes")& #7 ("Hayling") vocals are delivered by a young Icelandic singer, namely Hafdis Huld (of GusGus fame).
Also 70 minutes of Rough Trade artists on 1 album "Music for the 90's - Volume 2", featuring some of my favourite British artists The Sundays and The Shamen.
And "The Greatest Hits, so far" (1990) of Public Image Ltd (P.I.L.) on the Virgin Label. Were are the days that John Lydon aka Rotten & P.I.L., New Order were on an American tour with Iceland's finest, The Sugarcubes ...
When I got into the Bilbo Shop, the new album "Me and Armini" of Emiliana Torrini was in the CD player behind the desk. Although I didn't buy the record there, FNAC Shop had it cheaper (green price).
After a Duvel (Devil) beer and an icecream went home before the lightning striked.
My favourite track of Hafdis Huld " Hayling" with FC/Kahuna
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