They made a 36-minute session in which the 2 Stuarts discussed new Icelandic music and played new tracks by 6 up and coming Icelandic artists:
1. Olöf Arnalds - "Klara" - Album "Vid og Vid "
2. Benni Hemm Hemm (feat. Jens Lekman) - "Friðþjófur Og Ingibjörg" - Album Ein Í Leyni
3. Mr. Silla & Mongoose - "Organ Deviltry" - Album "Foxbite "
4. Borko - "Ding Dong Kingdom" - Album "Celebrating Life"
5. Hellvar - "Kjaftaedi" - Album "Bat Out Of Hellvar"
6. FM Belfast - "Synthia" (Demo) - "How to make friends"
Stuart’s radio show is a companion to his international music blog, Fat Planet, which was recently featured in The Guardian as “Best Blog For World Music.”
Listen to the show @ http://lofi.tv/2008/01/30/icelandic-session-on-fbi-fm-in-australia
Stuart Rogers @ www.youtube.com/iceairpodcast
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