Review of this Album in online Magazine Grapevine http://www.grapevine.is/
Jan Mayen came out in late 2003 with an outright buoyant and breakable yet catchy and melodic self-titled EP. 2004 brought to light their debut full length, an album that shook many trees and even caught the attention of city counselor Gísli Marteinn Baldursson. "So Much Better than Your Normal Life" displays the quartet's development very gracefully from being mainly a gleeful tour de force to a more grown up entity that contains its youth elegantly, not only as a band but also as individuals. The band's biggest growth might be the voice of singer Valgeir Gestsson. The guitar work brings to mind the dueling chemistry of Sister-era Sonic Youth, Fugazi circa Repeater and even Thin Lizzy's Scott Gorham and Brian Robertson with a murky twist and held together by a greatly advanced rhythm session. The album is also neatly crafted and includes some out of the ordinary, but welcome, synthesized sweetness. This album is so much better than a normal rock album.

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