# 15
"Lof Mér Að Falla Að Þínu Eyra" (1997)
"Let me slide toward your ear"
"Let me fit your ear"
"Let me slide toward your ear"
"Let me fit your ear"

Maus 3rd Album was released on 4. November 1997 on Sproti Label (Sproti002).
Roger O'Donnell of the band The Cure appears as a guest keyboardist on almost all of the 10 tracks on this album entitled "Lof Mér Að Falla Að Þínu Eyra" (translates as "Let me slide toward your ear" or "Let me fit your ear").
All lyrics were written by Biggi.
Cover Art by the band, Magnús Unnar & Kristinn Gunnar Blöndal
About 3200 copies were sold in Iceland.
"Album as close to perfect as an album can get" (in a Review by Árni Matthíasson in Morgunblaðið Newspaper on 16. November 1997).
1. Síðasta Ástin Fyrir Pólskiptin
2. 90 kr. Perla
3. Poppaldin
5. Hreistur Og Slím
6. Ungfrú Orðadrepir
7. Kristalnótt
8. Halastjarnan Rekst Á Jörðina
9. Tvíhöfða Erindreki
10. Ryðgaður Geimgengill
Buy the album @ Grapewire
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