# 17
Hana-nú (1977)
# 17
Album "Hana-nú" was released on 23. June 1977 on Hljómplötuútgáfan Label.
Vilhjálmur Vilhjálmsson was born on 11. April 1945. His father, Vilhjálmur Hinrik Ívarsson, was a well known musician. During his childhood Vilhjálmur showed his musical talent. He studied both law & medicine, but didn't finish this studies. In 1970 Vilhjálmur became a pilot and moved to Luxemburg. Living far away didn’t stop him in recording two LPs in Iceland, "Glugginn hennar Kötu" (1972) and "Fundnar hljóðritanir" (1973).
In 1974 Vilhjálmur got married and moved back to Iceland and in 1975 he opened Iceland’s first complete recording studio. In 1978 Vilhjálmur was planning a new album when he passed away on 28. March in a tragic car accident in Luxemburg while working as a pilot. He was just 33 years old.
Album was recorded with help of Tony Cook & Magnús Kjartansson (Júdas) @ Hljóðriti Studio @ Hafnarfjörður in December 1976.
All lyrics were written by Vilhjálmur Vilhjálmsson.
Two songs written by American Harry Chapin ("Einhverntímann" & "Einshljóðfærissinfóníuhljómsveitin"). Harry died in a car accident, just like V.V., in 1981.
The lyrics of the song "Söknuður" (Longing or Missed dearly) were written after the death of a friend Jón Heiðberg. Jóhann Helgason wrote the music. The song is played very often @ Icelandic funerals nowadays.
Photograph on the cover was taken by photographer Arni Páll.
About 21.000 copies of the LP were sold in Iceland.
In 2008 the album was re-released on CD with 2 extra songs.
Songs on the Album:
Side 1
1. Og Co
2. Ég Labbaði í Bæinn
3. Lítill Drengur
4. Einhverntímann
5. Söknuður
Side 2
1. Þú átt Mig Ein
2. Það Er Svo Skrítið
3. Jamaica
4. Martröð
5. Einshljóðfærissinfóníuhljómsveitin
In 1974 Vilhjálmur got married and moved back to Iceland and in 1975 he opened Iceland’s first complete recording studio. In 1978 Vilhjálmur was planning a new album when he passed away on 28. March in a tragic car accident in Luxemburg while working as a pilot. He was just 33 years old.
Album was recorded with help of Tony Cook & Magnús Kjartansson (Júdas) @ Hljóðriti Studio @ Hafnarfjörður in December 1976.
All lyrics were written by Vilhjálmur Vilhjálmsson.
Two songs written by American Harry Chapin ("Einhverntímann" & "Einshljóðfærissinfóníuhljómsveitin"). Harry died in a car accident, just like V.V., in 1981.
The lyrics of the song "Söknuður" (Longing or Missed dearly) were written after the death of a friend Jón Heiðberg. Jóhann Helgason wrote the music. The song is played very often @ Icelandic funerals nowadays.
Photograph on the cover was taken by photographer Arni Páll.
About 21.000 copies of the LP were sold in Iceland.
In 2008 the album was re-released on CD with 2 extra songs.
Songs on the Album:
Side 1
1. Og Co
2. Ég Labbaði í Bæinn
3. Lítill Drengur
4. Einhverntímann
5. Söknuður
Side 2
1. Þú átt Mig Ein
2. Það Er Svo Skrítið
3. Jamaica
4. Martröð
5. Einshljóðfærissinfóníuhljómsveitin
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