The Third Sound gradually formed, slowly took shape. Whilst living in the historical city of Rome, Italy, Hákon Aðalsteinsson (Singapore Sling and formerly Hudson Wayne) started work on new material. It started life high upon the rooftop of the building he was living, ...initially heard only by himself and the birds circling overhead. Eventually introducing the songs to his friend and 6o’s fanatic, Francesco D’Onofrio, the two of them worked out the arrangements then went into a studio and slowly recorded the album. Hákon returned to Iceland where he mixed the album with Hallberg Daði Hallergsson (formerly of Jakobínarína) before relocating to Berlin. The album is ready, the band has grown into a 5 piece live act. The Third Sound is now complete.
The Third Sound @ MySpace
Definition of The 'Third Sound' (Terzo Suono): Whenever two notes are sounded together loudly, precisely in tune and sustained, the conjunction of resonant waves results in a third note whose pitch geometers and physicists have tried to determine, but so far this question cannot be considered as completely resolved.
Buy the album @ Gogoyoko
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