Dikta is an indie rock band from Iceland. In its present incarnation, the group began in 1999. They played in the Icelandic band competition Músíktilraunir in 2000 and were finalists.
Receiving critical and public acclaim, Dikta's first album, Andartak, was released in late 2002. One of its singles reached the top of the Icelandic charts. All three singles, "Taminóra," "Andartak," and "Engin orð," were played frequently on Iceland's largest rock station at the time, X-ið 977.
Dikta recently released their second album, Hunting for Happiness. Its second single, "Someone, Somewhere," is currently playing on Iceland's now largest rock station, X-FM, as well as X-ið 977 and the government owned Rás 2. The first single was "Chloë." The lyrics on Hunting for Happiness are all in English.
Band members are:
Jón Bjarni Pétursson - guitar
Jón Þór Sigurðsson - drums
Skúli Z. Gestsson - bass
Haukur Heiðar Hauksson - guitar and vocals
Hailing from Iceland, Dikta play a unique blend of soulful and heavy indie rock - drawing on influences such as Jeff Buckley but at the same time not forgetting their adolescent heroes such as Smashing Pumpkins. Moving powerful music, overlaid with the unique vocals of Haukur Heidar Hauksson.
David Fricke, Rolling Stone Magazine: "pomp-rock quartet that ended its set with a Nirvana-like blow-out, "Chloe," from its latest Smekkleysa album, Hunting for Happiness".
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