The singer and the pompous performance artiste; Ragnar has been known to take it to the max. With his good looks and soothing voice, he likes to ride the snake and drink coctails by the beach.
Þorvaldur Gröndal
A son of a preacherman; a former rockabilly drummer and now the electronic drummer of Trabant. Since his first band, Mússólíní, he's travelled trough various music styles, and is now also playing with The Funerals. He likes peanutbutter a lot. with jam.
Viðar H. Gíslason
Pool loving functionalist and the guitar/bass player of the band.
Hlynur A. Vilmarsson (aka The Prince of Darkness)
The keyboard master of the team and a heavymetal Benz owner.
Gísli Galdur
The mad scientist of the turntable art. He is also a drummer since early age and has been digging deep in music since he was 1 year old. He also loves swimming pools and the Mumin elves from Finland.
"The One" The YouTube Video
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