More food mama
Give us more food mama
Give us prawn ring mama
Give us anything mama
Thank God
My Mum has gone to Iceland
More cash dadda
Give her more cash dadda
Be a bit flash dadda
Give here more cash, more
Thank God
My Mum has gone to Iceland
And we don't have the dough
As the ad men well know
Got no concept of your bad cash flow
And if that ain't enough
Just as life gets more tough
They bring out a new game for my Nintendo
My head's popping
TV window shopping
And there ain't no stopping
With that ice cream topping
Thank God
My Mum has gone to Iceland
We want mama
What you can't afford mama
And the TV pressure's
Aimed at your little treasures
Thank God
My mum has gone to Iceland
Bleedy daddy dry
Watch my mummy cry
And I can't stop wanting
No matter how I try
Thank God
My mum has gone to Iceland
1 ummæli:
You do realise this song is about Iceland the frozen food shop rather than the country don't you?
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