After their second album "Tivoli", which set new records in sales, the band went on to shoot the musical "Með allt á hreinu", still the most successful film in the history of Icelandic cinema.
Stuðmenn then released a book with their graphic work and lyrics, before they went on to do another film called " Kókóstré og Hvítir Mávar" (Cool Jazz and Coconuts), a cinematographical and musical masterpiece. On their promotiontour for that movie the Beatle Ringo Starr joined the band on tour and is a massive follower ever since. In 1986 Stuðmenn followed an invitation of the Chinese Government for touring in China as the first Western band (after Wham!, who gave up after one concert), being cheered in 12 major cities. After Jakob Magnússon was appointed Cultural Attaché at the Icelandic Embassy in London, the members of the band turned to their solo projects. Egill Ólafsson stared in over 30 critically acclaimed feature films, appeared in numerous theatre playes and musicals besides his work on his internationally praised solo albums. Ragnhildur Gísladóttir achieved outstanding reviews in Great Britain and Germany on her albums " Ragga and the Jack Magic Orchestra" and "Ragga and the Human Body Orchestra" and also appeared in feature films, there among in " Honour of the House" (along with Egill Ólafsson), which was Iceland´s entry for the "Oscar" in 1999. In the same year Stuðmenn founded the eco-campaign "Græni Herinn", and Egill Ólafsson was chosen "best singer" of the year. During the celebrations of the New Millenium Stuðmenn were choosen "the best dance band of the decade". In 2001 their second book " Í bláum skugga" with photos of concerts by Thórarinn Ó. Thórarinsson and all the lyrics was released, along with their best-selling compilation " Tvöfaldar Bítið". In 2002 the band was invited to Scandinavia and Germany, entertaining 35.000 people at an Open Air Festival in Bavaria. In October 2002 Studmenn celebrated their stage anniversary and hold a special concert at the Icelandic National Theatre, which was live recorded. This very record, "Á Stóra Svidinu", hit gold shortly after comming in the shops and sets an new milestone in the quality and entertainment of live music. In 2003 and 2004 the band toured Germany and Russia with outstanding instant success and signed a record deal with a well-renowned German record label, releasing their first international CD "Six Geysirs & a Bird", which was shockwaving the local media and press. Critics cheered them as "the hidden gem of good yet funny music". Studmenn currently perform throughout Iceland, have released two new records and have completed and premiered their latest movie "Í takt við tímann" by December 2004, which set a new record on the box offices in Iceland. In 2005 the film will premiere in various countries, there among Great Britain and Germany, and the band will be touring the UK, Germany, Russia and Japan.
And the band waggon moves on ...
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