**** by Wim Van Hooste.
Review by Music Room of this book
Sights and sounds from Europe's coolest hotspot!
Iceland is one of the most unique and fascinating countries in the world. A visually stunning island full of glaciers, volcanoes, lava fields and snow-capped mountains, the homeland of Björk now boasts a thriving pop-music scene, its capital, Reykjavik, recently acquiring a reputation for being one of the most painfully hip locales in Europe. Once perceived as cold, isolated outpost, Iceland is now one of the continent's most desirable travel destinations.
Set principally in Reykjavik, Waking Up In Iceland is a detailed guide to not only the music scene but also the city and country in general, providing advice on where to stay, places to visit for the musically minded and where to find guided tours for those essential day trips out.
Length 304 pages
Language: English
Publisher: Sanctuary
Catalogue #: BOB11143
ISBN: 1860744605

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