"Happy in a sad way" (24th of September 2005)
The Icelandic band Ske performing their song "Happy in a sad way", sung by Agusta Eva Erlendsdottir and Joddi (Jon Oddur Gudmundsson) live in TV show Hljomsveit kvoldsins 24th Sep 2005.
"Cowboy" (24th of Sepember 2005)
The Icelandic band Ske performing their song "Cowboy", sung by Joddi (Jon Oddur Gudmundsson) live in TV show Hljomsveit kvoldsins 24th Sep 2005.
"Jumper" (22nd of September 2006)
A new song, Jumper, and the debut performance of ex-Quarashi's Hossi and new drummer Paul Maguire with Icelandic band Ske on Kastljos on Icelandic National Television.
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