Iceland Review online:
Icelandic computer animated short film Anna and the Moods premiered in Iceland on February 9 and has been well received. Now, Caoz, the company behind the film, is looking into producing shows about Anna for foreign TV stations.
“Our goal is to sell shows about Anna to Scandinavia and other European countries, even to the US. But first we have to adapt the material for foreign markets,” Arnar Gunnarsson, an animator at Caoz, told www.icelandreview.com
"People find it interesting how strange the characters look,” Gunnarsson said and added that the director of Anna and the Moods and one of Caoz’ founders, Gunnar Karlsson, was the one who created this unusual look; spindly bodies and big heads.
Anna and the Moods was nominated for three awards at the 2006 Edda Awards, the Icelandic Oscars, and won the award for Best Short Film.
The plot is described thus: “One day Anna the perfect child wakes up looking like a sad version of Marilyn Manson and is terribly moody. When her parents take her to ‘Dr. Artmann’s Clinic for the Unruly Child,’ she is tested in the mad doctor’s labyrinth. The result is shocking: ANNA IS A TEENAGER!”
Björk lends Anna her voice and Blur singer Damon Albarn portrays her father. The script was created by Icelandic lyricist Sjón and the music features the Brodsky Quartet.
Since Caoz was founded in 2000 it has undertaken various animation projects, mostly TV commercials, but also one other movie. The animated short film The Lost Little Caterpillar won two awards at the 2002 Edda Awards, for Best Short Film and Best Look.

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