NilFisk is a band from Stokkseyri and Eyrarbakki. two very small villages on the south coast of Iceland. The four members of the band have now been playing together since early 2003. In August that same year (2003) they got noticed when Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl invited them to open for them at their show in Iceland. That was NilFisk first public show. NilFisk grew up and started to wrote some grass ripping good music in these little towns. Since then things have been very nice for NilFisk, having preformed all over the country at pubs, festivals and more.
To name a few gigs: Þjóðhátíð í Eyjum, numerous times at Grand Rokk and Bar 11, Iceland Airwaves, with Týr and freak kitchen, and other pubs and festivals around the country. These events are now passing into legend as the band continues to prove itself worthy of praise. NilFisk also appeared in the Icelandic documentary Screaming Masterpiece. The movie has been seen all around the world and was directed by Ari Alexander early 2005. NilFisk has it first album released, called Don´t run after your own apples... The album includes 9 songs. Songs has been played at the icelandic radio stations and people hafe liked it... songs has got straight to the top on some music community websites as www.rokk.is (IS) and Real guide community (UK). The music of NilFisk is best descriped as danceable garage indie rock inspired by rolls of hay and horses. And if you are lucky then you are lucky but only then you will hear something grass ripping good music.
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What's in a name ???
Grapevine Magazine by Sindri Eldon http://www.grapevine.is
Monday, July 17, 2006
Company Sucks Band Into Lawsuit
Nilfisk Advance, a Denmark-based cleaning equipment manufacturer, are threatening Icelandic rock band NilFisk with a lawsuit on the grounds of copyright infringement, according to Viðskiptablaðið. The band, whose name was greenlighted by Nilfisk Advance in Iceland when the band first chose their name, dropped off a copy of their debut album at the Copenhagen office while there to play concerts, only to receive a letter from Nilfisk Advance’s lawyers, who threatened to sue if the band did not change their name and recalled all CDs and merchandise with NilFisk’s name on it. They were also commanded to close their website, nilfisk.valnir.com. In response, the band and their lawyer sent an explanation that they were on good terms with Nilfisk Advance in Iceland, and that their name technically differs from that of Nilfisk advance in that the ‘F’ in the band’s name was capitalised. Although Nilfisk Advance have not replied, and were unavailable for comment due to their executives being on vacation, Sveinn of NilFisk told the Grapevine that if Nilfisk Advance persist with the lawsuit, the band will most likely change their name to NilFizk. Also unavailable for comment were French hip-hop band Electroluxe Family and country singer Hoover, who may themselves face lawsuits if this fad continues.
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